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Back to the Basics - Intro

As rodeo queens, we have all received the complicated rodeo questions only the most well-studied ambassador would be able to take a stab at, and yet we are still falling behind on the basic education we need to represent the sport of rodeo's time for that to change.


Welcome to Back to the Basics!

photo by : Trudy Conner

In this series we will methodically break down each and every piece of "basic rodeo queen knowledge" to help us all be better ambassadors of the sport and give hope to the aspiring young girls who do not know where to start.

These topics will not be age specific and may serve as a great starting point for younger girls just beginning their queening journey, while simultaneously providing a foundational "refresh" for the more seasoned young women preparing to compete at the next level.


"The will to succeed is important, but what is more important is the will to prepare."

- Albert Einstein -


Are you ready?

Here is the info you will need in order to stay up to date on this series and never miss a post on "Back to the Basics."

  • Subscribe & Follow - Enter your email in the prompt on our home page and click SUBSCRIBE! You will be placed on our immediate mailing list and can check back regularly on our social media pages to be the first to know when a new post is up.

  • Share - The only way we can help to rebuild the numbers in the queening community and spread the wealth of knowledge is through YOU!

  • Study - By preparing in even the smallest and simplest of ways, we can build our own confidence and feel more prepared to be placed in unexpected situations because we took the time to prepare!


If there's anything you want to see on the blog or in the "Back to the Basics" series, feel free to reach out to me by email at!

Until next time...

Keep those Boots Busy!

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