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Women in Ag - Get Involved!

Women have a much larger impact on the agricultural industry than most realize. Learn what they have done and what you can do to be more involved in the future of agriculture in America.


photo by: Tova Conner


"I want every girl to know that her voice can change the world."



Agriculture is the evergreen backbone of the rodeo industry, but has unfortunately taken a back seat in the quickly evolving world of rodeo. As the agricultural and farming industry continues to evolve, it is important we stay educated in order to bolster the success and survival of the industry we know and love.

Did You Know?
  • Less than 2% of the United States' workforce consists of farm and ranch families.

  • Overall, approximately 10.6 percent of US employment is provided by agricultural and related industries.

  • 36% of US farmers are female! and 56% of all farms have at least 1 female operator.

How do I get involved?
  • If you're younger, getting involved in your local FFA and 4H chapters can make staying involved and learning so simple! It helps to build a reliable foundation of knowledge and appreciation for the industry we rely on so heavily.

  • On the older side but still in school? Add some classes to your course load that are based in agricultural education. Whether you're a business, history, math, or marketing major, there is a sector of the ag industry you can learn about and devote your skills to!

  • Look into internships for your state's agriculture department, or volunteer your free time on the weekends to help out your local farmers and ranchers with pulling fence line or sorting cattle.

  • Less of a hands on person? There is much to learn through the lens of a camera or through social media! Offer your marketing skills to a local farmer hoping to grow their business, or take photos of ranchers hard at work to help show the world the devotion of our industry workers.

How are rodeo and agriculture related?

Rodeo is a sport rooted in agriculture, and without it this sport would not still be alive and well today. But how does the sport of rodeo benefit the agricultural industry? Along with the monumental positive impact the sport has on a state's economy, it also provides an opportunity for consumers to learn more about the industry that produces their foods and natural resources. The average consumer has never experienced or truly understood the amount of work and preparation that goes in to getting naturally sourced foods to the store, and eventually their table. Rodeo has provided an entertaining opportunity to educate others on that very process, resulting in a rapidly growing appreciation and involvement in the industry.

There are so many more ways to get involved but what matters most is consistency and having the courage to ask. Put yourself out there! The opportunity to learn and to teach will always be yours, you just have to be willing to take it.
If there's anything you want to see on the blog or have questions on how to get involved, feel free to reach out to me by email at!

Until next time...

Keep those Boots Busy!

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